Declaration of human rights policy
KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ, joint-stock company is a leading supplier of appliances for the chemical and petrochemical industry, special cranes and steel structures marketed both in the Czech Republic and abroad.
In its business the Company complies with the applicable legislative and ethic rules. The human rights policy manifests our respect for all human rights. It is focused on the fields that were identified in our activities as priorities.
The human rights policy of KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ, joint-stock company supplements and summarizes human rights aspects from other Company’s policies and directives.
The policy is derived mainly from:
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations and international treaties forming the International Bill of Human Rights;
- The Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organization/ILO;
In order to support this policy we focus on the procedures that create the environment in which human rights are respected and which prevent our involvement in the procedures that, whether directly or indirectly, violate human rights. We shall also enforce the principles of this policy with respect to business partners.
The Human Rights Policy applies to all employees of KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ joint-stock company.
Therefore, in accordance with the above mentioned beliefs and the Company’s intentions and goals and in order to achieve a desirable state and development in the above mentioned fields, the management of KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ joint-stock company has decided to declare the policy expressed through the following principles:
The policy commits the Company’s employees in accordance with their position within the Company’s structure to:
- Achieve the application of the relevant aspects contained in the International Declaration of Human rights;
- Train employees to acknowledge, respect and protect human rights both at the workplace and in the surroundings which are under the direct influence of our Company;
- Respect and promote human rights during cooperation with business partners through active cooperation, monitoring and contractual provisions;
- Enforce freedom of association and assembly and real acknowledgement of the right of collective bargaining;
- Prevent exploitation of forced, involuntary and child labour;
- Make sure that each employee (even a prospective employee) is treated fairly and with dignity; not to tolerate any illegal discriminatory practice based on race, colour of skin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, ethnicity, national or social origin, property, political or other beliefs, disability, birth or other grounds;
- Give each employee an equal opportunity with respect to his/her career prospects without any discrimination;
- Create a work environment without any forms of harassment, exploitation, abuse or violence as defined by the legal rules of the countries in which we operate;
- Remunerate all employees only in accordance with their performance and qualify of work done;
- Respect the right of employees to pursue their interests against the management and to address all problems arising with an open approach;
- Comply with all statutory requirements for employment, including basic working hours, overtime work, breaks at work and agreements concluded with representatives of our employees.
The Management of KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ, joint-stock company undertakes to
- Provide for appropriate financial, material, labour and other resources necessary to secure effective operation of the set management system in the field of the Human Rights Policy and to create an environment enabling enforcement and fulfillment thereof;
- Review on a regular basis the appropriateness and reasonability of the above mentioned policy and, if necessary, to issue an updated version thereof.
The Management of KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ, joint-stock company expects from all its employees
- Diligent work discipline, self-control and strict compliance with all instructions related to the subject of the policy;
- Proactive contribution within the limits of the individual employee’s competences and responsibilities to continuous compliance with the above mentioned principles and rules and participation in achieving the set goals of the declared policy;
- Full assistance with the enforcement of the above mentioned principles; under this duty all employees are obliged to respect the principle that compliance with all the above mentioned provisions forms an integral part of their working duties and one of the most important fundamental tasks of each employee of KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ, joint-stock company.