KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ KOVÁRNA, s.r.o. KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ SLÉVÁRNA, s.r.o. KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ STEEL, s.r.o. Královopolská Estate s.r.o. AB Komponenty

Declaration of Business Ethics Policy

KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ joint-stock company is a leading supplier of appliances for the chemical and petrochemical industry, special cranes and steel structures marketed both in the Czech Republic and abroad.

The business philosophy of KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ joint-stock company is built on a basic set of values that have a major significance for the Company’s development and success.

In principle, our value approach may be declared through the global mottos – Safety, Fairness and Reliability, Integrity, Justice and Respect, Professionalism and Pride.

The purpose of the policy is that our managers and other employees are fully acquainted with the Company’s optimum operational and ethical standards and expectations of our customers and that they strictly comply with the above mentioned basic set of values in practice.

We see business ethics as a compliance with the principles of fair dealing with business partners, correct relationships with competitors and fair communication with customers.

The Business Ethics Policy applies to all employees of KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ joint-stock company. 

Therefore, in accordance with the above mentioned beliefs and the Company’s intentions and goals and in order to achieve a desirable state and development in the above mentioned fields, the management of KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ joint-stock company has decided to declare the policy expressed through the following principles:

The process of building a feeling of trust, shaping the future, reliability, performance and customer-orientation is the starting point of conduct of all Company employees helping to create their identity.

  • To promote occupational health and safety is the Company’s highest priority.
  • To enforce the rules of interpersonal respect and solidarity, to build room for the self-fulfillment of responsible, honest and creative employees, while striving for the fairest individual appreciation of real benefits brought by our colleagues to increase the Company’s achievements.
  • To prefer team work as the basis of long-term prosperity. To devote adequate attention to individual development needs.
  • The Company and its employees must always act in accordance with all local, state, national, international and foreign laws and regulations that govern the Company’s activities.
  • To enforce the principles of social accountability of companies that, in addition to its environmental aspects, also applies moral values to business - company relationships.
  • To disclose all information to the public in such a manner that it is correct, understandable and up-to-date in terms of its subject and contents.
  • To respect the professional independency of journalists and media.
  • Only authorized persons may disclose information related to the Company to the public and media.
  • Environmental protection (through the development and production of environmentally-friendly products with declared liability for the environmental impact of a product throughout its lifecycle) is perceived as an expression of a responsible approach to society as a whole.
  • True and open communication on the Company’s environmental footprint with all stakeholders (consumers, public, shareholders etc.).
  • Continuous building of the Company’s culture.
  • Continuous improvements in all fields of the Company’s activities.
  • Compliance with good manners, competition rules, trade usage and principles of fair dealing.
  • Contacts with competitors – with respect and acknowledgement.
  • Searching for contracts with a high added value and high share in services.
  • Searching for appropriate and effective solutions, when preparing offers and producing a wide portfolio of products, with the objective of satisfying customers’ needs.
  • Openness in evaluating solutions offered to customers, even at a risk of lower profit.
  • Fair disclosure of newly-acquainted knowledge to customers and suppliers with the objective of satisfying their needs.
  • Correctness, transparency, courtesy and a helpful approach applied by our representatives in all business transactions.
  • Assuming full responsibility for our decisions and consequences arising from our dealings.
  • To fulfill and keep all our commitments and promises.
  • To provide for safety of information provided by customers to the Company and further used and processed by the Company.
  • To establish principles and objectives of work with confidential facts and the implementation thereof into the Company’s quality system.
  • A zero tolerance to approaches and practices leading to bribery and corruption in any form, non-participation in any illegal transactions.
  • To effectuate the sale (and purchase) of products and services exclusively on the basis of quality, performance, price, value and/or in favour of the Company’s interests and never with giving or accepting proposals in the form of payments, gifts, entertainment or any other benefits.
  • To create an environment where it is obligatory to avoid undertaking, financial or other direct or indirect interests or relations which would be in conflict with the Company’s interests or could undermine the loyalty of employees to the Company.
  • To maintain and protect Company’s assets and copyrights, to prevent any unauthorized use of the Company’s assets for private benefits.
  • To comply with the principle that all accounting documents must clearly depict the true nature of business transactions, assets and liabilities and must be in accordance with all applicable regulatory, accounting and statutory requirements. No record may be untrue, distorted, incomplete or concealed.
  • Any employee who has a constructive proposal or knowledge of any existing or potential conduct against ethics (such as fraud, misleading somebody, theft, harassment, discrimination, infringement of legislations, regulations, policies, approaches etc.) may (even anonymously, if s/he wishes so) inform the HR Manager or Financial Manager accordingly.
    If the employee is not satisfied with the method of solution of the issue in question, or if the character of the issue is exceptionally serious and sensitive, the employee may refer directly to the Company’s Supervisory Board.

 The Management of KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ, joint-stock company, undertakes to:

  • Provide for appropriate financial, material, labour and other resources necessary to secure effective operation of the set management system in the field of the Business Ethics and to create an environment enabling enforcement and fulfillment thereof;
  • Review on a regular basis the appropriateness and reasonability of the above mentioned policy and, if necessary, to issue an updated version thereof.

The Management of KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ, joint-stock company, expects from all its employees:

  • Diligent work discipline, self-control and strict compliance with all instructions related to the subject of the policy;
  • Proactive contribution within the limits of the individual employee’s competences and responsibilities to continuous compliance with the above mentioned principles and rules and participation in achieving the set goals of the declared policy;
  • Full assistance with the enforcement of the above mentioned principles; under this duty all employees are obliged to respect the principle that compliance with all the above mentioned provisions forms an integral part of their working duties and one of the most important fundamental tasks of each employee of KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ, joint-stock company.