KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ KOVÁRNA, s.r.o. KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ SLÉVÁRNA, s.r.o. KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ STEEL, s.r.o. Královopolská Estate s.r.o. AB Komponenty

Join us in celebrating the 130th anniversary of KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ, a.s. this year. It was in 1889 when this company was founded under the name Lederer-Porgess Königsfelder Maschinenfabrik. It very quickly built up a strong position not only on the domestic market and became famous literally all over the world. The company has lived through many excellent times. Of course there were a few difficult moments, yet it managed to maintain its position and is still one of the leaders in its field today.

Take a look back at its history with us and get to know some of the company’s most important moments. We have prepared a presentation of period photographs as well as videos showing not only its recent history, but also the present day.

Keep checking up on this page, as we will be adding other news relating to the 130th anniversary celebrations. Stay with us and we’ll keep you posted with some interesting information.